About Me

Sue Woledge

Hi! I’m Sue. I’m a wife, Mum, and Grandma to two awesome kids. I’m a natural therapist/bodywork practitioner with a passion for natural health and living who gradually found her health deteriorating after a lifetime of learning about what constitutes a ‘healthy diet’, and putting that into practice by eating a highly plant based wholefood diet including lots of home grown, organic fruit and veg, and ‘superfoods’ such as Chia seed and raw, organic cacao.

When I first heard about the ‘Carnivore Diet’, I thought it sounded crazy! I thought it sounded extreme, restrictive, and unhealthy… Because, plants are healthy right? And too much meat is not so healthy…

Isn’t that right?

So I discarded the idea of this meat only diet as madness, and went on my way.

However, a couple of years later, as my health continued to deteriorate and nothing I tried worked, I found myself revisiting this crazy meat based diet, and making the decision to give it a go.

And so here I am… Fifteen months later, making a website to share the blessing that is of this way of eating, and to share my journey with the world – or anyone that will listen at least!

So I invite you to follow along. Find me on YouTube or Twitter, or sign up for my newsletter so you don’t miss my updates, and join in the conversation! Especially if you’re eating a carnivore diet, or you’re thinking about it.

And if you have any questions, suggestions, or comments, fire away in the comments section on any of my blog posts, videos or Twitter updates. I’d love to hear from you!

Thanks for visiting!

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