I’ve thought a lot about spirituality and eating meat over the years. Especially since I’ve been eating a Carnivore diet. I used to class myself as a ‘vegan’, which simply means that once upon a time I ate a vegan diet for a period of time – or actually many periods of time over many years… But my first vegan experience was when I was in my mid thirties, and lasted about two years.
Prior to that change, during my early thirties, I had quit smoking, started exercising, lost a whole bunch of weight, and was becoming more and more focused on my health. I had gradually switched to a vegetarian diet during this time in my quest for better health. This was in no small way due to the influence of my Dad who started eating a vegetarian diet when I was a child, and so I had this very ingrained belief that meat was bad!
Then when I was thirty five, after reading the book “Improving on Pritikin: You Can Do Better” by Ross Horne, I switched, whilst part way through the book (so convinced was I by it) to a fruitarian diet, which was the subject of the book. Ross Horne’s story was compelling, and made sense to me at the time.
When I found our some years later that he’d died from cancer in his late seventies after twenty years on a fruitarian diet, it kind of made me question his information on ‘cancer proofing’ your body!
With the switch to an all fruit diet I initially felt great! It was a good detox, and I realise now that it got me off all the foods that I was sensitive to. I also very quickly dropped another 15kg in weight, which impressed me greatly (although I know now that much of that loss was muscle). But my strict fruitarian way of eating soon (within a few months) gave way to the introduction of nuts, hot chips, and other foods that contained the fat I was (obviously) craving! In fact I’d never eaten avocado until then. I’d never liked avocado! But suddenly this fatty green fruit was my best friend! My body was desperate for fat…
With the addition of fats (both good and bad) back into my diet, I then ate a strictly vegan diet for about two years, and it was during that time that I was introduced to the concept of meat not being desirable for those on a spiritual path.
In fact one of the things I came to believe was that the energy, or vibration created by the pain and suffering of a dying animal, was taken into the body of those consuming the meat.
You are what you eat – right?
Does Eating Meat Lower Your Vibration?
If we are what we eat, does that mean that we are really absorbing the vibration or essence of the food we eat? I believe that we do. But I also believe that the ‘spiritual’ community may have been infiltrated by those with an agenda to keep humans unhealthy. I actually wonder if there has possibly been purposeful misinformation injected into spiritual teachings to scare those more focused on their spiritual path than their physical body away from the consumption of meat.
Let’s face it, the ‘red meat is bad’ messaging has been infused into the physical health community in a spectacular way by governments, health authorities, and ‘experts, around the world. But not everyone is concerned with their physical bodies. So to influence the spiritual community is potentially just another way to manipulate people into the (lack of) health that will eventually see them sick and tired, and reliant on the pharmaceutical industry.
And indeed, if this has in fact been purposeful, it has been very effective. So much so that when you look into online discussions around spirituality and meat eating, the general consensus is that meat is ‘dense’, will lower your vibration, and is best avoided in order to be more ‘spiritual’ and connected to Source.
But I can’t help but think about our spiritually focused, meat eating ancestors that have lived in times gone by…

Ancient Peoples – Spirituality and Eating Meat
If we look back to traditional hunter gatherer tribes, the American Indians, South American tribes, the Australian Aboriginal, and even our Celtic ancestors, it is obvious that they were more aligned with source and nature, more spiritually aware, and more connected to Gaia than most of us on the planet today have any concept of, no matter how ‘spiritual’ we like to think we are.
And these people hunted animals, living primarily on diets of meat and animal foods.
Does anyone alive today really believe that they are more spiritual than these ancient, traditional, hunting, and meat eating people? Can the modern vegan or vegetarian somehow convince themselves that they’re more connected to source, nature and the planet, while eating fake, highly processed ‘vegan’ meats or other foods from packets and restaurants? Can anyone feel more more connected to the earth than those who lived and slept on it, while driving shiny cars, and sourcing their spiritual knowledge from the internet rather than their inner being and ancestral wisdom passed down from one generation to another?
Our ancestors, those traditional hunters that survived on this planet for over 2 million years eating a diet made up of primarily meat, respected and understood nature. They worked with the natural cycles, navigated using the stars, and had reverence for the animals they killed for food. They understood what they were consuming, and they understood the effects on their body, mind, and spirit.
And so what I’ve come to believe after much soul searching, deep thought, and personal reflection on this topic, is that rather than taking on the vibration at the time of the death of the animal, we actually benefit from the vibration or the ‘essence’ of the animal when we consume the meat from that animal.
What I personally have found after consuming a mostly meat diet for the past eighteen months, is that I am physically and mentally stronger (even with almost no exercise). I feel more stable, grounded, and connected to nature and the earth. My mental acuity and cognition continues to improve along with my ability to communicate effectively.
I’ve also noticed that my desire to create, which was the biggest part of me as a child, is back. My ability to write with ease is returning, which I love. And I’ve noticed no decline in spiritual awareness, but rather an increase in my intuition, and my ability to help my clients with their pain. I feel that I’m becoming more in touch with my inner being as time goes on, and I’m gradually uncovering the real me that’s been missing for decades.
The Foods That REALLY Lower Vibration
Something really important to understand is that processed, packaged ‘foods’ are not food. Even if the label says they’re organic, or vegan, or gluten free. That’s all just marketing. The stuff in those packages are often science experiments, made from (what used to be) food, combined with chemicals or other additives, designed in a laboratory, and mass produced in factories.
These foods will lower your vibration.
Not only are processed foods generally lacking in nutrition, but they are lacking in vibration, and the ‘essence’ or ‘energy’ that comes in the natural foods created by God or Nature (or whatever name you prefer to use for the universal power that connects all things). Be that plants, or animal foods.
Part of the difference with the vibration or energy component of food is the intention behind the creation. The corporations that create processed foods DO NOT have your best interests at heart! Why is that important? It it important because intention is everything. If the intention of these companies is only to make profit, or worse, to actually impact your health negatively because they are aligned with industries that profit from your ill health, then the vibration from that intention may be contained within those ‘foods’.
Processed foods at their best may contain very little in the way of vibrational energy that will benefit your body, mind, and spirit, and at worst, the vibe that has manifested from the intention of the company creating the food.

Your Beliefs About The Food You’re Eating Make a Difference
Words and thoughts are powerful. Your mind and voice have great influence over the way your body responds to everything. So when you think ‘this food is bad for me’, that may affect the way the cells of your body receive that food.
So be mindful of your thoughts and words. If you must eat food that isn’t ideal, do your best to turn it around in your mind. Be grateful for the food you have, and know that your amazing body can work miracles with what you put into it. Thoughts and words are important!
As I said above, my personal beliefs regarding meat eating and spirituality now is that we take on the vibration of the animal that the meat came from. We take on their strength, their connection to the earth, their ability to connect to source and to know the natural world. Part of the reason for my change in belief comes from my personal experience as I’ve described.
Eating the muscles of these animals gives me strength and vitality in my muscles, and better physical health. But it has also given me better spiritual health.
These animals that provide us with food are amazing. When I look into their eyes I see their connection to source, and their ability to live in the NOW. I feel blessed to be aware of their amazing-ness within my being.
The mistreatment of animals in farming is needs to stop. This happens more often in factory farming and we must, wherever possible, support regenerative farming. Fortunately in New Zealand where I live, this type of farming is the norm, and most farmers take good care of their animals.
Essential cycles of nature can only exist via life and death. Something must die always, for something else to live. Everything alive on this planet must eat, and for each thing to eat, something must die. That’s the inescapable truth.
It’s the circle of life that ancient and traditional people understood. It is only our skewed perception, swayed by the influence of a modern life where we have been separated from Nature and natural cycles, that has created the mental void that’s so common when it comes to our food, and our misunderstanding about what is good, and healthy, and natural. It’s time for a change, back to Nature.
Check out my video on Spirituality and Eating Meat for more.